Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. We appreciate the time that you spend sending us feedback or suggestions. Your feedback goes directly to our team heads and CEO and we use it to improve the products, services and fix problems.

Makes360 Branding

How we use feedback

We appreciate your concern. All individuals, whether customers or partners, are welcome to share their feedback, concerns, and questions with us and our CEO.

Even a simple click on the Yes or No feedback button on each page is valuable. It allows us to gauge the positivity or negativity of responses per page. If certain pages receive predominantly negative feedback, we carefully review them to enhance their quality.

We thoroughly examine all received responses, swiftly addressing and rectifying any issues that arise. Your input drives our continuous improvement, shaping a better experience for all. Together, we build a stronger foundation through open communication.

When you send feedback directly from our website, you can choose to include important details like project name, URL etc. These details help diagnose issues faster. The more information and details you include in your feedback, the more helpful it is for us. Even you can attach some screenshots or recreate the problem to help us to see, what you are experiencing.

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Ohh no, sad to see this 😕 thank you for the feedback. We will fix this!

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Plese write us on WhatsaApp, how can we improve this? By sending the page link, screenshots, and information about improvement. Share these details with us on WhatsApp, and we will express our gratitude by sending you a gift.